Monday, May 31, 2010

Would you like to buy a vowel?

Today, I worked out a buy system. Still need to plan a sell system. Also, I am a bit worried about how I will add new items into the inventory. That's what I have to work on next.

Here's some more footage:

Things to tackle after buying/selling:
-equipped items
-battle system
-map teleport
-set path npc
-save points
-name entry

Minor ideas:
-running icon
-sokoban chess
-mini games

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Yes or No Box

Spent today working on the box that lets you select yes or no to options. It has a value that determines which event is being asked yes or no about, so that saying yes doesn't say yes for everything, just yes to the question in question.

Here is video of it in action:

I was initially having trouble making the box go away when saying no because it would just retrigger the event to happen again, so I had to fashion a timer (similar to the timer used on the chest) to limit when the event can occur. I am relieved that I got it worked out.

In theory, more options could be added rather easily. It would just be a matter of adding more values and more directions of animation for the box.

Next I will work on the store.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Sokoban and Chests

Working on things like inventory can get very boring--there is lots of copying and pasting and keeping track of numbers--so I figured it was time to work on something fun for a change. No console-style role playing game is complete without the traditional sokoban block moving puzzle.

Working out the sokoban engine went as smoothly as planned. As a reward for solving the puzzle, a door is unlocked, giving access to the next new feature: chests. Chests add items to the inventory.

Here is some video footage of it in action:

Friday, May 28, 2010

Player Stats and Inventory

Small update: Got the player stats and inventory done today. Now the game can interface with the player's hit points, defense, speed, and accuracy-- stuff like that. Also, the game can keep track of which items the player has.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Item System Running

The item system is up and running! It works on the same principle the monster and move system does. There is a file full of values and it gets interpreted in-game. With these down, the next logical thing to work on is the store system (so buying and selling), the inventory system, and then information for the player. Then after all that is said and done, the battle system!

In other news, the NPC glitch has been worked out. For some reason or another, the collision detection was knocking the NPC off of the 16x16 grid. Now there is code that makes sure it's on the grid, and if it isn't, it gets "bumped" back on to it. Thank you OldManClayton at The Daily Click for assistance!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Random NPC Movement

A randomly moving non-player character is essential to a role playing game. I dreaded the thought of figuring this out, but it came to me in a flash of genius when I was on a bike ride this morning.

How this system essentially works:
There are 3 values.
The first value, A, is assigned a random number 1 or 2. This number determines the distance that will be traveled by the NPC.
The second value, B, is assigned a random number 1 through 4. This corresponds to the direction that the NPC will be traveling. 1=right, 2=left, 3=down, 4=up.
The third value, C, gets a value based on what the first value, A, came out to be. For instance, if value A = 2, then value C is set to 16.
Whenever value C is greater than 0, the NPC moves a space over and value C is subtracted from, until it gets back down to 0.
When that happens, the whole process starts over again.

Here is some video footage of it in action:

Pretty dandy. There are still some collision detection bugs that need to be hammered out. With the current code, when the NPC checks to see if there is an obstacle in the way, it sometimes glitches up. This is bad because it knocks the NPC off of the 16x16 grid. I'm not too worried about it right now. Time for lunch!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Current Project: The Super Immortal Role Playing Engine

Currently focusing on:
-tile graphics
-menu system
-battle system

Things to be added in future versions:
-immunity shots
-running icon
-moving npcs
-alerting events/ congrats / you got key! messages
-multiple boxes of texts
-grocery store
-grandma's rat infested basement
-save points
-multiple player characters
-status effects / items to cure it