Friday, June 4, 2010

Fun Game Friday - The Adventures of Lolo 3

I have been playing The Adventures of Lolo 3 for the Nintendo Entertainment System lately, and I have to say, it's an addicting little puzzle game. I thought, instead of posting an update on how the project is going, I would post a quick review of the game. This is something that I could do every Friday. We'll call it Fun Game Friday. (its 11:51 pm as I type this, so hopefully I get it posted before Saturday!)

Here is the intro stages to the game:

The Adventures of Lolo is a puzzle series for the NES, and features very simple gameplay. You can move things around, and shoot after you've collected certain hearts. When you get all the hearts, a chest in the room opens. Get the treasure in the chest and move on to the next level. This simple gameplay is deceiving however, because the difficulty of the puzzles progresses so subtly that suddenly you realize that you have no clue how to solve one. Baddies of all sorts try to prevent you from getting the hearts. Like I said before, I've been playing this all week. It's very inspiring, and I hope to include a few ideas from it in future projects. I especially enjoy how the whole atmosphere of the game is very carefree and fantasy. You have to find keys to unlock doors. I definitely recommend at least trying it.

The music is amazing, but unfortunately, I can't record sound yet. Actually, there's something interesting I'd like to say about that. In place of the beautiful in-game music is an unreleased song from Basic Bus Driver (, which is a small indie electronic music outfit, who offers an entire album for free, so definitely check them out, too.

1 comment:

  1. I really do like the music in the video, it seems to fit well. Also, I can see what you mean when you say it gets much more difficult. Eeeenteresting.
